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The California Section of the WateReuse Association is accepting abstracts for presentations at the 2025 WateReuse California Annual Conference to be held September 21 - 23, at the Town and Country Resort in San Diego. 

Presentation format can be either of the following:  

  • 30-minute presentation: An in-depth technical presentation by one or more presenters, typically with 20-25 minutes for the talk and 5-10 min for Q&A 
  • 90-minute presentation or panel: An interactive 90-minute discussion of a single topic by multiple presenters. Panels must consist of 3-4 panelists (excluding a moderator), representing a diversity of voices across the water sector with at least one utility representative.  

WateReuse California encourages submissions from presenters which include a diversity of voices including water and wastewater utility representation, especially from small utilities, young professionals, and graduate students. If not a California-based topic, abstracts should include details about how the topic relates to California reuse.  

Selected speakers are required to register for the conference and submit a PowerPoint. Presenters must attend the conference in person and agree that WateReuse Association can record presentations and capture photos. Email submission-related questions to WateReuse California's Managing Director, Brenley McKenna, at WRCAConferenceComs@watereuse.org.

For more information about the 2025 WateReuse California Conference, click here


You must create an account if this is your first time submitting a presentation proposal.